Case Labels

 I have slowly been adding more fine details to make the museum feel complete. I wanted some labelling on the cases because prior to this there was no information about each exhibit or the items in them until picking them up.

I created a basic blueprint that allowed me to alter the content of each text render component using an editable variable. This used the default UE4 font but I wanted something that would suit the museum a bit more.

After importing the font I wanted into UE4 I had to make it into a material to be used by the text render. This process was tedious as I had to adjust how clean the cutout from the alpha was by adjusting the lerp values. I eventually got it to a level I was happy with, at least for testing purposes. (The parameter is the font image).

I added an emmisive to the white one just to make the labels pop against the glass and backgrounds as well as created an inverted version of the material for the overhead signs.

I was now able to label the exhibitions, cases and items themselves to inform people what they are without having to inspect them first.

Just another small change that I think is helping make the museum gradually better.


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