Museum Info Boards (UI)

 I set up the blueprint for my info boards a while ago but they have sat unused for a bit too long. The initial idea was to create an info board for any model too large to be picked up and inspected. My first test for this was with my guitar models from last year.

The initial test used a blanket opacity setting which made some of the text quite difficult to read, especially against the white background that I used to have.

Using sources online, information from the book 'Guitar Family Trees' and my own knowledge of guitars and influential players of them. I was able to create these 4 information boards for each model of guitar.

Some of these guitars required more text information that others to tell the story of their creation but I didn't want the whole thing flooded with text. For consistency and as a guaranteed way to include a graphic, I created a stats sheet detailing the various components and figures for each guitar. Using this I was able to create a good format that could be reused for all of them.

Although these went unused for a long time, I am really happy with the result. It adds another version of interactivity to the museum, combines old with new and little additions like this are starting to bring the museum together into something great.


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