Item Zoom

Following some suggestions from peers, I have added the ability to zoom into the objects further for closer inspection. That way the object can be shown in full and zoomed in for viewing details.

Using the same lerp system I used for moving the object towards the camera, I was able to create a simple lerp system that scaled the actor by a factor of 1.5x its current scale.

Before realising I was using the same lerping system, I was initially scaling directly from the actors current scale rather than setting a variable at the start of inspection. This meant that, for the duration of the timeline, the item was scaling by a factor of 1.5x the constantly increasing scale meaning the object scaled exponentially. 

Once this was solved I had a basic zooming system that further benefitted my models and the purpose for such high detail was to be appreciated for the amount of detail present.

There can sometimes be a few issues with the object entering the camera and making the object partially transparent when observing the backfaces. I'm unsure how to solve this without moving the objects further away but this negates the purpose of the zoom feature so I'd rather keep it this way as the issue is relatively unnoticeable and only in certain positions.


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